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Elaine Small

I'm Elaine; singer-songwriter, mother and counsellor. I'm passionate about helping others connect with their feelings and understand themselves better. I can offer you a nurturing, non-judgemental space to explore your thoughts and emotions and unravel the causes of unrest in your life. My natural skills are in really seeing you, and hearing your perspective, in order to bring to light the potential and resources I believe you already possess, to deal with the challenges you face. I enjoy seeing people grow in confidence to live a life that aligns with their values and personality and also honours their unique gifts and talents.


I grew up in the UK and have travelled extensively during my life, including living, studying and working in various countries. Having gained an Honours Degree in French & Spanish I have a love of languages and I'm passionate about meeting people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. I have naturally listened to and supported people in their times of need throughout my life, and took my first steps in this field as a call centre volunteer at the Samaritans UK crisis helpline. It became clear to me after having children that time is precious and that I wanted to commit to a vocation that utilised my natural skills and which allowed me to make a positive difference in people’s lives. I formalised my love of counselling by gaining a Diploma in Counselling and undertaking further study specifically in gestalt therapy and relationship counselling.


As a private practice owner and member of the Australian Counselling Association, I undertake continuous professional development and supervision and I hold appropriate insurance for my work.

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'The only person who has to live your life is you. Only you have to wake up and live with the choices you make. I hope to help you to hear the voice within you so you may live the life you desire.'

Koru Counselling
Elaine Small
Adelaide, SA.
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Graduate of The Developmental Model of Couples Therapy Training under Ellyn Bader Ph.D. at The Couples Institute.
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© 2018 Elaine Small  

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